This whole movie censoring shit is... crap.
We watched Little Miss Sunshine today and as those of you who's seen it know,
it's a very nice little familymovie.
Here it isn't.
Because of the fact that they say fuck in the movie it's tooooooootally inappropriate!
I mean come on?
What is up with the censorship?!
It's not like we neeeeever hear bad words outside of movieworld.
I thought I was gonna explode with anger when they ran up to the movie in fury and turned it off.
Thereafter they went on and on about how insane and disturbed people that like these kind of movies are.
Thanks a lot.
I think I'm going out to buy the movie Slaughter Of Christ.
No, that's not really a movie but please see what I mean.
Sure, fine, this movie may not appeal to everyone but does that mean you have to butcher the people that watch it too?
I like different things than you do, accept it.
No wonder Taylor and Nathan are gullable as hell and never catch on to slightly inappropriate jokes.
You need to watch some bad stuff to survive in this world.
There's more to this world than Ella Enchanted and other fairytale movies.
If you feel the need to write something about how I need to stick it out and that it's not thaaaat bad, please don't.
If you feel the need to write mean stuff about censorship, go right ahead.
hitta den här videon på youtube som jag tycker du borde se så kan du prata tillbaka nästa gång dom är på dig om Jesus
Sorry att det inte är något om censur som för övrigt är fel och används för det mesta diktaturer. Jag rekomenderar att su går ut och skaffar team America eftersom den driver så jävla skönt med USA och ordet fuck är med mycket
Hello Amanda! This must be enough, seriously! I really admire you that you accept all those stuff! Perhaps there are some decent, nice, normal thinking families in Detroit that want to take care of a smart, independent, goodlooking girl from Sweden? Challenge them! I'm convienced you'll be the winner!
Hugs from Osboda
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck