
We're going on a camping trip today and not coming home until sunday.
You'll hear from me again when I get back :)


Went up early today aswell, guess I haven't gotten over the jetlag yet.
Ate breakfast and then I watched Princess Diary 2 with Taylor.

Then we went to the school to fix my schedule and get my locker.
The counselors were great! I got a great schedule without any math or science. :)

Period 1: World Literature
Period 2: American History
Period 3: Jewelry and Metals 1
Period 4: Psychology 1
Period 5: Family Living
Period 6: Concert Choir

When we got home Natalie and I went out trail-riding with Jack and Apache.
Apache was a bit edgy, he walked sideways most of the time.

Later in the evening we went to a pool party that was held by Taylors youth group in church.
It was more fun than it sounds though.
All the kids are really nice and some of them are hilarious.


This guy came here today to trim the horses hooves, talked to him a bit and he was nice!
Spent half the day in the stable and tried to get to know the horses.

Later we went to pick up Taylor at school and I got to walk around inside the school.
It's huuuuuuuuge, probably twice as big as the one back home.
I'll get lost immediatly.
It was really beautiful though, looked very much like the typical high school in the movies.

Took some pictures of the house before, will probably post them here if I can. :)

I'm home alone at the moment!
The other ones are at work, hockeypractice and at a friends house ^^


Woho I have internet!
I barely got in to the country yesterday, apparently I'd forgotten the most important paper.
Had to go to a special room and get some other papers that said I can stay in 30 more days ^^
Better send in those papers soon.

The house is huge!
My room is three times bigger than my rooms at home.

The dogs like me and so does the cat and the cat usually doesn't like anyone. :)

It just hit me that 10 months is a really long time!
Didn't realize that before.

I'd better go get some breakfast now!


Ensam hemma för ovanlighetens skull!
Tänkte gå ner till mamma men det blåser massa och jag har ingen varm tröja.
Jag vill ha en cykel.

Ska på synundersökning sen!
Glasses would be so fierce.


5 dagar kvar tills jag lämnar lilla Lerum.
Jag har inte resfeber och jag är inte nervös så fråga mig inte.
Har mest bara ångest över att jag inte kommer träffa vissa förrän nästa sommar.

Min värdfamilj verkar dock skitbra och jag är säker på att tiden kommer gå fortare än jag tror.

Jag kommer ändå sakna alla sjuuuukt mycket.
Fast inte riktigt alla, men ni som tror att ni kommer vara saknade kommer också vara det.

Ska försöka uppdatera här så ofta jag kan,
och dom jag bryr mig riktigt mycket om kommer jag även maila till.

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