Madagascar Escape 2 Africa is aaaaaaaawesome.
about god and other crap
The conversation sounded something like this;
T: So you're still an atheist?
A: Uhm yeah
T: Why?
A: Because that's how I'm raised.
T: Well, you're 18 now.
A: I'm still acting as I'm raised.
T: Don't you want to go to heaven?
A: No.
T: Is it because you're stubborn or something else?
A: Because that's not what I believe..
T: Well, don't you want something to look forward to?
A: Not really
T: What do you believe is the meaning of life then?
A: I think the meaning of life is to have fun
T: I hope you change your mind
A: I won't.
I seriously wonder if she would push me if I actually believed in some religion.
If I was a buddhist, would she try to make me a christian?
Atheism is my "religion" and my way of living,
as it is for pretty much the rest of Sweden.
She also asked me if any of my friends in sweden were christian and I mooooore than proudly said no.
I've never said anything bad about christianity,
what gives her the right to butcher my beliefs?
Went to Natalie's sister in Indiana for Thanksgiving.
They had the most enormous house,
I think I counted up to 6 bathrooms.
Why anyone would need 6 bathrooms is beyond me.
her husband was the biggest know-it-all I've ever met.
So was their daughter.
We watched Lord Of The Rings and as you all know,
I know everything about this particular trilogy.
Their daughter commented the whoooooole movie and told us all about what was going on and who everyone was.
She didn't nail a single thing.
I mean, if you're going to brag about how much you know;
choose to brag about something you actually know.
The food was very thanksgivingy and not very good.
Oh my god I just fell in love.
Edward Cullen is.... wonderful.
I looooooooooooooooooooove this movie.
I've been walking on clouds ever since we got home!
Although.. It was sad as hell when it was over. :(
hello my winterland
We've got some snow now ^^
This picture is from a few days ago though.
It's coooooooooooold.
I hope you had the best day!
just another day
Woke up at 1030 today, as usual.
Everyone had left for Nathan's hockeygame and was going to get home at 3.
So I had like 4 hours alone.
There's not much to entertain yourself with here, I gotta tell ya.
I was thinking about going out to the horses but then I changed my mind cuz it's cold as hell.
Ended up watching Friends for like 3 hours.. Colored my hair too. Black.
Wish I could think of more things to tell ya but there really isn't any.
They want me to come to Taylor's hockeygame tomorrow at 10 but I'm gonna pretend to be sleeping.
If I have to watch one more hockeygame I swear to god I will explode.
Can't wait til hockeyseason is over.
..although lacrosseseason is next. DAMNIT
I loved it :D:D:D
Thank you all so much!
The pictures on the USB were wonderful!
If you write your e-mail in a comment I'll send you a personal "letter"
instead of just thanking you here :))
I'll also send some handwritten letters one day when I've got the time!
Anyways, I'm going to eat some skorpor and knackebrod now.
Love you all <3
happy birthday to me
Well the schoolday could've been better.
Rachel, who was the only one that knew it was my birthday, wasn't at school today.
Though when I got home it turned around.
Dad called first, was a bit emotional but it was mostly happy tears becuz of the singing.
Mom called next and I managed to keep myself together eventhough I really have to bite my lip sometimes.
Then Gustav called and that's always nice ^^
When everyone got home from work and school they made dinner for me.
Swedish meatballs, spagetti, salmon and corn & carrots.
(Nathalie told me she'd been paying attention to what I liked and didn't like and based it on that.)
It was soooooooo nice. The meatballs even tasted like real meatballs, the kind that grandma makes.
Then they'd bought a chocolate-cake for me which was deliciouuuuuus.
They also bought me a Chunky Monkey Ben & Jerrys to have some other day.
Then they surprised me with a gift,
We watched the first cd tonight and man did I laugh.
I actually had a really nice birthday eventhough I didn't celebrate it the usual way.
But just for the record, in my mind I'm still 17.
I refuse to call myself 18 until I get back home. ^^
(Thanks a lot for all the comments btw!
I smiled through them all. <3)
Might be cuz no one sang to me this morning.
Let's just pretend I'm 17 still.
time flies by
I had The Best Day today!
Went on a STS-trip and it was beyond awesome.
Let me tell you aaaaall about it (almost),
Went there at 8 in the morning and met everyone at the Henry Ford museum.
Walked around in the museum for a while but ended up on a bench with 4 other exchange students.
Sat there and talked for like 2 hours and it was awesome,
the people I talked to were pretty much all from Europe so they acted like a normal teenager does.
(at least the way a teenager is supposed to act according to me)
Then we had some lunch at this superextrememegaexpensive place.
Went to the IMAX-theatre and watched Madagascar 2,
(omg it was the most amazing animated movie i've ever seen. i laughed my ass off).
Then we went to this village thing were they had built all these scientists houses,
like The Wright Brothers and the guy who invented the lightbulb etc.
Pretty boring and it was raining the whole time but we found ways to entertain ourselves.
Finally, we went to this pizza-place and got so full we almost exploded.
It might not sound like a lot of fun but duuuuuuuuude,
it was a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
So here's the people that came:
David - From Hungary. He was absolutely hilarious, spent most of the time with him.
Zeyki- From Germany. I've met her once before at another STS-thing and she is so sweet.
Nicolas - From Colombia. If you've ever seen that 70's show, he is Fez. Seriously.
Mike - American. Hooked up with New Zealand-girl.
Martin - From The Netherlands. The girls were all over him. Not me though. He was nice.
Paula - From Argentina. She was awesome. Had a really thick accent though.
Michael - From China. He was so weird. Hilarious too. He did nooooot know much english at all.
Rebecca - From New Zealand. Hooked up with the American guy. We teased her so bad.
I liked them all actually.
It is waaaaaay easier to talk to exchange students than american teenagers.
I think we're planning another get-together soon.
i don't think nathan has really got that.
i think he does it on purpose.
just to drive me insane.
ate pizza today and he chewed like no one has done before.
he went aaaaaall out.
i bet you could see his intestines from sweden.
could you?
if not that i swear that if you focused you could hear his "smack smack smack".
i wanted to stab someone.
may he never get a girlfriend.
this is a good enough reason to go back home.
this will drive me insane, for real.
a series of fortunate events
okej, jag kom precis ihag en sjukt rolig sak och jag maste skriva ner det annars kommer jag glomma det nagon gang.
(tar det aven pa svenska for det blir roligare da)
(btw for er som inte fattar det sa skriver jag pa engelska vanligtvis for att jag hatar att jag inte har de sista 3 bokstaverna)
Sa, mamma, jag och johanna satt vid matbordet och at mat.
Johanna ville inte ata maten for den var val acklig eller nagot sa
mamma sa "3 skedar till!" och sa tog hon upp fingrarna for att rakna ner,
Johanna borjade ata och mamma tog ner finger for finger,
nar Johanna bara hade en sked kvar sa tittade vi pa mamma och
visst satt hon dar och pekade fuck you at oss.
Ett bra tag ocksa for den delen!
(ja, det kanske ar had-to-be-there-roligt men ohmigodness vad kul det var)
trying to make some progress
Cried pretty much the whole time but I felt so much better afterwards.
I very much need to just get everything out of my system now because everything is building up like crazy.
If someone will call on my birthday, let me warn you, I may cry during the whole conversation.
Not so much because I am miserable here, because frankly I'm not.
Or well, yeah. But I realize that it could have been so much worse.
Now that everyone knows I'm homesick, I notice how everyone is really trying to make me feel better here.
I am actually trying really hard to adjust, whether you think so or not.
I am smiling at people and hoping they'll come up to me.
I will and cannot walk up to people and talk randomly because that is not who I am.
Talked to my counselor today for an hour in school and she really does miracles.
Had to bite my lip hard as hell not to cry though.
She asked me what we could do to make things better and we came up with a few ideas.
We're planning on putting me in the Newspaper-class or Yearbook-class.
I'm hoping they need a photographer cuz I sure as hell don't wanna write.
She also looked at some stuff that I might do after school,
volunteering at a vet's office or taking a photography-class.
Although now that I've talked about how I feel to so many people I actually feel better.
I hope it will last though.
(I know that my sentences may not make any sense together but this is where I ventilate (is that even a word?),
it doesn't have to make sense, read between the lines.)
there's nothing like church on a friday evening
Went to church yesterday for Taylors youth retreat thingy.
I actually had quite fun, at least it was more fun than sitting at home.
This one girl though was annoying.
She is 21 yrs old and she's still in high school.
Way to go girlygirl!
She cornered me and told me that GOD IS THE BEST GOD LOVES US GOD IS THE RIGHT THING.
I'm like hehe eh no.
She smelled really bad too.
I slept til 1 today hehe. It felt gooooood.
Haven't left the house once today.. Watched two movies and.. well that was pretty much it.
I'm going to bed again soon.
Very productive day indeed.
Figured out what I want for my birthday too,
I would love some pictures of family, relatives, friends.
Only have like 2 pictures with me and I need supportive pictures to put in my locker and stuff.
Typical swedish stuff would be nice too!
I feel like chocolate.
making progress
apparently she's the leader of the green team aswell (which i'm in btw).
We decided that I'm going to stay after school next week to work on the
Pennies For Paws-project with another senior.
The girl I'm supposed to work with seems really nice so I hope it will work out fine.
If it doesnt.. Hm. Yeah.
(Pennies for Paws is a project the Green Team is part of, we collect pennies for the tigers.
A lot of schools are competing and whever wins will be announced on the footballfield
with the footballteam the Tigers. Kinda cool if we would win.)
lol (for real)
En mamma ~25 sitter i väntrummet med sin son ~3. Sonen pratar om fiskarna i akvariet och säger att de är fina.
Sonen: Jag vill ha en fisk.
Mamman: Du får fråga tandläkaren om du kan få en.
Sonen: Den stora fisken. Jag ska sova med den.
Mamman: Ska du sova med fisken?
Sonen: Japp.
Mamman: Men då tror jag den dör, för den kan bara leva i vatten.
Sonen: Den ska vara död.
I hope Nathalie will fix it today or I'll go nuts.
Nothing worth mentioning has happened.
I miss Sweden like crazy and I'm questioning whether or not it's actually worth staying here.
But, I'm strong, I'll try it for a while longer.
I just can't stop thinking about how awful it is to be stuck here when I turn 18.
Ah well..
Electionday tomorrow.
No school!
I'm going to be soooooo bored.