
I don't have anything to tell you guys
You probably think anything I experience is worth documenting,
but everything is actually really boring right now
(not like boring boring but boring enough to not be worth writing down)
in World Lit today we had a Culture Day and people brought in food from India, China and Japan.
I ate sushi.
It actually tasted better than I thought it would.
We watched the Grinch while we were eating.
American schools are so productive.

Mom, Make sure you check with STS before you buy the tickets to make sure everything is fine.
It would suck if you came here and it wouldn't be able to come with you guys.
Sooooo, please call STS and see if everything is okay ^^

For the record,
A ticket to the Coldplay-concert in Sweden next summer would be an awesome christmaspresent.
Thought you should know.

Postat av: Mamma


Det är intressant vad du än tror,vi vill veta allt! För oss här hemma är det t.o.m kul att veta att du ätit sushi....

Jag har pratat med STS flera ggr.och det är inga problem att du skulle åka till L.A med oss. Vi har inte bokat biljetterna ännu men det är på gång....

Kramar i massor

2008-12-11 @ 09:01:40

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